John D. Doe

16 Dimeto Rd., #9

Burlington, VT 05674 USA


800-555-5501 (H)

802-555-7677 (cel)

                                   Citizenship: United States                                 


Key Qualifications:

International ag economist with 19 years of public and private sector experience in analyzing, managing, and promoting all aspects of agriculture, including trade policy, export promotion, market strategy, economic analysis, and trade associations. Well developed skills in management, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, writing, and fluent in French. Six years overseas residence in Africa, Asia, and the Near East, and numerous short term assignments in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Specialized expertise in a wide range of agriculture and natural resource industries, as well as with WTO dispute settlement and accession


Geographic Experience:  Living abroad: Democratic Republic of the Congo – 3 years; China – 2 years; Iraq – 15 months. Countries I have worked in short term: Afghanistan, Uganda, Jordan, Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium, UK, Italy, Spain. 


Employment History:

Jul08-Aug08: Agriculture Sector Specialist, Employer/ USAID-funded, Kabul, Afghanistan

During a one- month consultancy to employer’s (Name of Project), reviewed and implemented agricultural development projects through site visits to rural communities in Baghlan, Bamiyan, and Herat provinces. The projects are intended to strengthen rural communities by enhancing alternative livelihoods. Projects included potato storage, kareze rehabilitation, demonstration site at a provincial agricultural high school, and training of a local staff member to continue to provide technical advice on agricultural community development projects. Worked closely with USAID Fiield Program Officers to identify and implement projects.


2007  (1 m): Technical Advisor, Proposal Preparation, DAI, Bethesda, MD, USA

In collaboration with DAI staff, developed technical approach for USAID-funded Alternative Development (Livelihood) Program for northern and western Afghanistan. Developed a technical approach that included developing agro-processing and rural enterprises to provide alternative livelihoods to poppy cultivation in addition to expanding on-farm and off-farm opportunities through cash for work programs. Specifically, I produced sections on technical approach to high value agriculture, cash for work, and economic growth.  


06- 07 (4 m):   Agriculture Sector Strategy Advisor, Chemonics/USAID, Afghanistan

Served as a sector strategy advisor to two Ministries (Agriculture and Rural Development) on developing effective sector strategies designed to regenerate the rural economy while providing alternative livelihoods through increased on-farm ad off-farm employment opportunities. The sector strategies were prepared for use at the Afghan Development Forum that was held at the end of April 2007. Working under a USAID contract, ………….facilitated the completion of the strategies, which focused on high value agricultural crops and agro-processing. 


Jan2006-Sep06:  Agricultural Trade and SPS Advisor, XYZ corp/USAID, Iraq

I promoted capacity building in trade policy as the key advisor to Iraq’s Ministry of Agriculture on all agricultural and sanitary-phytosanitary (SPS) issues related to World Trade Organization (WTO) accession, which is part of a USAID funded private sector development program (Izdihar). The goal was to regenerate the rural economy through the expansion of high value crops to meet the demand in international markets once Iraq obtained WTO membership and had adequate food safety systems in place. My responsibilities included …….and assisted in the development of a comprehensive and unified food safety law for Iraq that will encompass the three major areas of food safety, veterinary and plant protection.


2004-05:    CTO/Senior Agriculture Advisor, USAID, Baghdad, Iraq

I managed all aspects of a $106 million nationwide agricultural development program as the designated cognizant technical officer (CTO). The program and its 400 employees were working to improve all aspects of agricultural productivity in production of grains, fruits, vegetables and livestock. The program also expanded the capacity of the private sector through establishing and mentoring of local business groups, trade associations and cooperatives. As the CTO, I reviewed, assessed, and approved all new activities, and oversaw the implementation of subcontracts for tractor repair, and nursery construction for dates and olives to expand the production of high value agriculture. I approved over 40 grants to improve irrigation infrastructure, and reviewed and assessed the grants for impact on hectares supplied, number of families helped, and impact on crop selection.


2003 (5 weeks): Agricultural Marketing Consultant, ABC Company/WFP/USAID, Uganda

Developed a marketing strategy for nationwide agricultural extension program to assist in the regeneration of the rural economy by increasing returns to smallholder farmers that was funded by a PL 480 Title II program. Reviewed and assessed entire program through extensive site visits to rural communities and meeting with top officials in key Ugandan ministries, USAID, and World Food Program.


2000 -02: Director of the (Program name i.e Agricultural Subsidy program,) Foreign Commercial Service, US Department of  State, Eugene, OR, USA

As the Director of the ………… Center of the US Department of Commerce, I advised small and medium sized enterprises, including agro-processing and rural enterprises, on how to develop successful strategies to enter foreign markets. I utilized my own experience in commerce in Asia, as well as our global network of trade specialists in 80 countries to provided advice and information to companies. I also held seminars on exporting, and contributed timely, trade-related articles to local business publications. I also worked extensively with local economic development agencies, state agencies and local chambers of commerce to expand my outreach to potential companies that may need assistance in exporting


1995-00: Vice President of International Issues and Trade, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), Washington, DC

DISCUS is a national trade association representing the producers and marketers of 85 percent of all distilled spirits sold in the United States. Evaluated trade policies and developed strategies to remove trade barriers in intellectual property, standards, customs, GMOs, and tariff levels in order to expand exports of U.S. distilled spirits, much of which is produced in rural communities. …….. Finally, represented industry in international trade forums to meet policy goals.


1992-1994: Agricultural Attaché, U.S. Embassy, Beijing, China

Served as an agricultural economist who was solely responsible for analyzing Chinese agriculture, and developing unbiased production estimates for grain, oilseeds, cotton, and wood products. I traveled extensively to rural communities in 17 out of 31 provinces to interview key provincial officials and to visit farms, collection stations, and agro-processing facilities. I also advised U.S. agribusiness on the potential for their products (farm equipment, feed mills, flour mills) and services (grain trading) in China.


1988-91: Agricultural Economist, Horticultural and Tropical Products Division, Foreign Agriculture Service, USDA, Washington, DC

I served as an international marketing specialist and an agricultural economist.


1984-88: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Resource Economics, University of West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica


1979 - 82: Volunteer/Fish Culture Extension Agent, Peace Corps, Democratic Republic of the Congo

For the first two years, I assisted rural communities by introducing high value agricultural crops, in particular fish, and ran an extension program near Vanga in the province of Bandundu. I expanded the number of participating farmers from 21 to 55, and extended the program to six more rural communities. For the third year, I managed a fish production station on a European Development Fund tea plantation, and ran an extension program near Butembo in North Kivu. I supervised and trained a counterpart to manage the station and 26 laborers.


Other Experiences:

Nov2005:             Acquisition and Assistance Mgmnt Course (CTO Certification), Baghdad, Iraq

2002 (1m):          Commercial Officer, Foreign Commercial Service, Shanghai, China

Sep94 - Apr95:   International Marketing Specialist, Forest Products Division, FAS, USDA,  USA

Sep91 - Jul92:    Chinese language and culture training (10 months, full time), Shanghai, China

1986 - 87:        President, International Fisheries Association, URI, California, USA

Sep83 - Aug84: Research Technician, Soil borne Diseases Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD, US



1988     M.S., Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island, USA

1979     B.S., Biological Sciences, University of Connecticut, USA


French - fluent

Mandarin Chinese - conversational

Swahili, Kikongo - formerly fluent



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